Beginning of classes after the summer break
So we start classes after the summer break!
The first classes for the older group, in two weeks, on September 5, 2022, 6:00 p.m..
Dla grupy dzięcięcej spotkanie organizacyjne odbędzie się w tym samym dniu, 5 września o godzinie 17:00. Zajęcia w dojo od środy 7 września.
For the children’s group, the organizational meeting will be held on the same day, September 5 at 17:00. Classes in the dojo from Wednesday, September 7.
Be ready, spread this information in your environment – maybe there will be someone willing to explore the secrets of their body and spirit through expressive movement forms straight from the Far East. It is a very interesting adventure, full of surprises, for longer than just a moment …
Come in crowds – we cordially invite you!