30 years of Hakko in Poland with Soke Antonio Garcia

Posted on: 9 September 2022 by Polskie Stowarzyszenie Okuyama Ryu Aiki Jujutsu

Szczecin’s Hakko Den Shin Ryu Ju Jutsu “KOKORO” Club invites you to a seminar


“30 years of Hakko in Poland with Soke Antonio Garcia”



Hakko-Ryu Ju Jutsu is also our roots and tradition, which is why the movement expression and philosophy of the Hakko-Ryu school are close to us..

We invite all willing members of our Association to participate in this event.

Ask about the details of departure and participation from our community during the training – you need to fill in the application form and information about the nearest hotels.


More information on the website of Szczecin’s Hakko Den Shin Ryu Club Ju Jutsu “KOKORO”: https://www.jujutsu.szczecin.pl/index.php/staze